The girl who single-handedly divided our little red dot.
SO a Malaysian born Australian, Amy Cheong had stupidly and tactlessly typed that status update on her Facebook account. We do not know if her account was a private one. Obviously, she has friends who do not like her very much and the screenshot went viral. Everyone in this little red dot has been affected. A lot of us were braying for her blood. Her then employers then swiftly gave her the axe to sever all ties. Subsequently, her job was placed on Jobstreet. She then flew her racist ass to Perth.
The stark reality that this issue has affirmed is that racial harmony does not exist in Singapore. On the Internet, some have taken it upon themselves to fight discrimination with discrimination. In theory, with a fight like that, wait for it...... discrimination prevails. First, they declare their own race. Then, they go on to describe the racism that they have encountered. What is this tit-for-tat thinking?
This is an unquestionable indication that Singaporeans are at best, racial tolerant. Call this the hard truth if you may. Racial harmony is but a beautiful and utopian label that our government has termed. We are no where near that. In fact, no countries can proudly claim that there is zero racism in their land. In our own shores, it is quite disheartening and frightening to know that one Amy Cheong has single-handedly caused such irreparable damages to our society. Somewhere out there, there are people who are keeping tabs on how many times people from the IJK race had been racist toward people from the OPQ race. There is also this possibility that somebody from another country creates a Facebook account, find a local e.g. Chinese, Indian, Malay looking profile picture, post racist updates, and, again, this tiny red dot will be burning with rage again.
We suggest that the government look into educating people on the uses of social media. What is meant for private space can be easily made available in the public space by simply taking screenshots. Yes, keep up with the racial harmony curricular. Introduce a social media awareness curricular. This is not just for the young. The aunty age Amy Cheong needs it too, as far as we can see. The racial harmony curricular can contain some chapters on social media awareness and vice versa. It should not be much of a chore since we are already, a very controlled country.
Some of us fondly remember our younger years when we cursed in colloquial while doing group activities and team sports. We will have Chinese, Indians and Malays in the group and we all curse "CHEEBYE!", "PUNDEK!" or "BUTOH!" with equal enthusiasm. Those were the days. These days, we say "FUCK!" and autocorrect turns it to "DUCK!" but that's another story, heh.
P.S. Meanwhile, it appears that another racist miscreant, Eve Tan is making her rounds on the Internet. Fuck you, Eve Tan. You should expect no mercy.