Clearly, the year of the fire dragon has done some serious kicking of high-profile asses in the civil service early into its tenure.

[Left: Peter Lim Sin Pang, ex SCDF, age 51, Right: Ng Boon Gay, ex CNB, age 45,]
In case you have been caught up with the festivities and holidays and are lagging in what's happening in the local political scene, former Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF) commissioner Peter Lim and former Central Narcotics Bureau (CNB) director Ng Boon Gay are currently investigated by the Corrupt Practices Investigation Bureau (CPIB) for "serious personal misconduct". Allegedly, a hot woman in her 40s from an American multinational firm is embroiled in this saga. "While Mr Lim and Mr Ng were both unaware of each other's dealings with the woman, they have both confirmed their relationship with the woman". She is assisting CPIB in their investigations. To make matters even more interesting, the investigations are being held separately.
Corruption through sex. Death by sex. Hmm...
Obviously, this indicates that even persons with good track records [1] [2] and high pay aside, one can never expect the
So what's with these horny people in high ranking positions? That money is not enough? That high pay and high rank do not suffice? That the other head prevails? Jokes aside, this issue must be really serious to warrant headlines on the second day of Chinese New Year. It does seem like no effort is spared in shaming these two former civil servants. On this note, at least CPIB or the Ministry of Home Affairs have taken the appropriate step in highlighting this matter to the public over a festive period. Hey, this is a good topic for CNY banter no? Did you hear about the commissioner.. Did you hear about the director....
What I do not understand is why the identity of the woman in the case hasn't been made known to the public yet. Even Jakarta Globe has reported that the woman is 36 years old. How is it that the local media do not have this information? Shouldn't all the parties get shamed?
Earlier this week, the Noose reported that the Army was considering to have a maid platoon to help its NS men cope with the daily stress of being a soldier. Perhaps, the civil service should consider a harem apart from the remuneration package to help them cope with the daily stress of heading a department. Well, everybody needs sex and Singapore doesn't need corruption since we might as well, compromise and score another world's first.
For the want of a pussy, respect was lost. My advice for all civil servants, and it comes free...
It's going to be an interesting year of the dragon!
- ST Electronics steps forward to say that none of its staff has been called up by the CPIB.
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