Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Of pulping books just because somebody complained

Update: Minister for Communications and Information Yaacob Ibrahim said that And Tango Makes Three and The White Swan Express will not be pulped. They will be moved to the Adult section instead. This man sure handles the current portfolio better than the "once in 50 years flood" reference.

Outside of this little red dot, there is a war going on. Missiles and rockets are launched. Lives are lost.

Inside this little red dot, there is a war going on. The "pro-family" people vs the LGBT people. Gatherings are held. Add religion to the mix. Add the National Library Board (NLB) to the mix. Now, add the Media Development Authority.

Da Faq?

Everyone living in sunny Singapore knows about NLB decision to withdraw books and reduce them into a pulp after a customer's feedback. Now the NLB is unhappy with our nation's best-selling newspaper, The Straits Times (ST) for having "sensationalised" the removal. Of course, ST would have the last word. ST is after all, ST.

We say, don't get angry at each other NLB and ST. Who was the complainant? A Mr Teo Kai Loon who apparently wrote this.

Wait. The pro-family book saga doesn't just end there. We hear that MDA has banned the sales of Archie volume 3 because a "not-profamily" character gets married. Da faq? If Kinokuniya closes down like the rest of the bookshops, we blame MDA.

Oh wait. Doesn't NLB and ST come under MDA? We see what you did there MDA #likeaboss.

Picture this, you are a parent. Do you tell your kids that everything is possible or do you start drawing red-tapes around their little minds?

"Boy boy / girl girl, must study hard ok. Have a lot of money in your CPF then you can afford a pigeon-hole flat that is smaller than daddy and mommy's, or daddy and daddy's, or mommy and mommy's."

But no.

NLB and MDA's style is that the world does not consist of families with daddy and daddy, or mommy and mommy, let alone a single parent family for that matter.

Read what the author of And Tango Makes Three, Justin Richardson and Jeanie Davies Okimot, one of the authors of The White Swan Express has to say about the removal.

#FreeMyLibrary #FreeMyBedroom #DontLetBookshopsDie

P.S Dunno about the rest of the world, but we want to tell our precious little one that unicorns exist. That Santa slides down our chimney to give her presents even though we live in a HDB flat. Ok? #WURF

P.P.S If only Singapore can stop making international headlines this way. Think Andy. Think NLB. #fail

P.P.P.S Three judges for Singapore Literature Prize resign over NLB's move to destroy books this comes after Local writers pull out of National Library Board events over kids books controversy #respect


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